
Friday, June 1, 2012

This Week in Science #15 Milestone

This is Elyse and I trying to figure out how the pasta sticks is going to stay in.
 Well, this week we only had two classes but we accomplish many things. On Wednesday, we were asked to create a video introducing ourselves to our 10th grade teacher. We had to answer some questions that was on David's blog. Such as : how did you like your teacher? How did you improve in science from the beginning of the year to the end?Then ,we accomplish that task we went up to the roof and shot the video that introduces ourselves for our 10th grade teacher. After that, we came down and and upload it to our blogger and our Google docs and drag it to our science folder. On Thursday, we had had done a marshmallow challenge again.We have done it already for 2 times one in  September and November. But we had to do one in May to see how our group work skills have improved and how we comprehend and use what we have learned to make a free standing tower with just a marshmallow a brown bag and spaghetti sticks. In the picture above we had to build a free stand marshmallow but we could talk and we had t communicate by note pads. However this has change tremendously because the first 2 time that we could have talked and communicate with each other all you heard was screaming and you should do this or but maybe we should try it this way. So the third try gave us a opportunity to try to expand our mind and see how well we communicated with each other. It so happen that our group communicated  and we related  by using hand gestures which was very interesting. The graph shows the data about how we did for the 3 trials and how it affected us. We were the 'Quadruple Threats' a it is shown that our data went up on the second trial an on on the third trial it shows that we wasn't working together and mainly I  taking over but I let them put their ideas in which was kinda mean but someone has to take over some of the time.In the last picture it shows us working together as a team and showing that anything is possible with team work. 
                         Am you better at working in groups now? Worse? How? Why? Well,I mean I never liked working in group and I don't this it is my strongest suit but I have to say I am better at working in groups because I use to not listen to what someone has to say and just do my own thing because that is just a natural instinct. So therefore working in groups will help me in the real life when I have to work with collages.  Do you like working in groups? Why or why not? Personal I don't like working in group because if you are finish with one thing and the person is do I just don't have the time and patience to get it done  with you. I guess I am just an impatient child, and it is really hard for me to explain what I am thinking and write it in to words because I would make any sense and you would get confused so yea. I hate working in groups but if I have to I will.                        I have learned that their are going to be obstacles in the way.But you shouldn't distract yourself and you should focus on your goals in life. In Science I have also learned to "Never let the fear of striking keep you from playing the game", which is an inspirational quote that I admire because in science or any other subject just because you fail at test or did something wrong in your experiment you stop trying. You keep striving until you meet the goal and success you want to etc. 

This is a graph of every ones data over the past  3 trials.
                                                               This is us working in to a group trying to be happy as we work            together.

Thursday, May 24, 2012



         This week in science we were told that we was going to have a cellar spider and we had to make a stable environment in the tanks that was giving to us. In class a to watch a video on how cellar spiders capture its prey.But before that happen their were papers all around the classroom that had to do with the ecosystem such as plant cells, chloroplast, carbon cycle, producers, decompose rs,and many more.We were given post its and had to write a definition as to what we know about that word. After that we got our tank and a white piece of paper and was told to sketch a picture as to what we want the ecosystem to look like for our spider. After days passed we went to Seward park to collect abiotic and biotic thing for the tank. My group got dead plants, sticks, little insects, a center pied, and other biotic and abiotic things. Abiotic is a nonliving thing and boitic is living things.

    I have learned many facts about cellar spiders and how the ecosystem works. I learned that cellar spider are often compared to daddy long legs because of their thin long legs. I also learned that cellar spiders like very dark places they are commonly found in the United States in houses or basements. I know that cellar spiders could only live up to a year and when it is ready to capture its prey, the spiders legs move in a 360 motion very rapidly that you cannot see the wrapping of the web.

TWIS #12

This is my spider log book that I
created to keep information on my spider. 

              This week in science was a very interesting week because we had to learn about symbiotic relationships,energy pyramids, and food chains. A food chain shows each how each living thing gets its food. A energy pyramid is different levels that represents groups of organisms.A symbiotic relationship is mainly from the root symbiosis which is an interaction process between two or more biological species. However it is split up into different categories which is mutualism, parasitism and commensalism. Mutalism is the relationship between two species of organisms in which both benefit from the associate. Commensalism is the living together of two organisms in a relationship that is beneficial to one and had no effect on the other. Parasitism is a symbiotic relationshipin which organism benefits and the other doesn't. We also watched brain pop videos about them and test our knowledge by doing worksheets. 

            This week in science I did a lot of things such as creating ,my spider log book and  writing down what I found interesting in the tank and what had change through out the ecosystem, the days I  wasn't able to check it.  We also played a game on David's blog about symbiotic relationship and how one organism could affect the  food chain and how  the ecosystem works.


Monday, May 14, 2012

TWIS #13

Objective: If we were to add five more spiders to your spider habitat tank, what would happen? And why? Use these terms in your explanation: glucose, photosynthesis, energy, carbon dioxide, oxygen.

                    If you were to add five more spiders the habitat that we have provided for our spider(London) then the spider might live. I state this as my hypothesis  because in a ecosystem thier is a cycle. This cycle goes like this; the sun gives light to the damp soil that is filled with H2O which make producers (plants). They are autotroph in other words makes their own food. From there the producers goes into the next stage that produces glucose which is sugar. The glucose helps the seedling grow because it gives the seedling the extra carbon that is need. After that, the consumer which is meat eaters and also considered a heterotoph because it cannot make its own food and have to depend on other organisms to live. However it helps the cycle because it gives the autotrophs Co2(carbon dioxide) and the autotroph helps them by producing O2(oxgen) back. This is the cycle of photoosynthesis, which is green plants, algae and some bacteria use light energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into chemical energy in the form of glucose (sugar). In the process, oxygen is released into the atmosphere. Therefore the spider will live because of the elements hat is in the cycle. Therefore without one element it could throw the whole cycle of because they all depend on each others for the supply that is needed.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Human Impact Ad Campaign

In science class we have a logo that is "To much car Transportation; Should be an Allegation; Lets Save The Nation'. In the pictures I have on my blogger shows how the earth is cracking because of all the earth pollution. Everyday a car gives pollution it brings out carbon dioxide and the earth is crumbling in small pieces everyday.